World development indicators



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 10850 rows and 57 columns.


The world bank databank


#> # A tibble: 10,850 x 57 #> country_code year ag_lnd_frst_k2 ag_srf_totl_k2 bx_klt_dinv_cd_… #> <fct> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 ABW 1969 NA 180 NA #> 2 ABW 1970 NA 180 NA #> 3 ABW 1971 NA 180 NA #> 4 ABW 1972 NA 180 NA #> 5 ABW 1973 NA 180 NA #> 6 ABW 1974 NA 180 NA #> 7 ABW 1975 NA 180 NA #> 8 ABW 1976 NA 180 NA #> 9 ABW 1977 NA 180 NA #> 10 ABW 1978 NA 180 NA #> # … with 10,840 more rows, and 52 more variables: bx_trf_pwkr_cd_dt <dbl>, #> # dt_dod_dect_cd <dbl>, dt_oda_alld_cd <dbl>, dt_tds_dect_ex_zs <dbl>, #> # eg_use_elec_kh_pc <dbl>, eg_use_pcap_kg_oe <dbl>, en_atm_co2e_pc <dbl>, #> # en_pop_dnst <dbl>, er_h2o_fwtl_zs <dbl>, er_ptd_totl_zs <dbl>, #> # fs_ast_doms_gd_zs <dbl>, gc_rev_xgrt_gd_zs <dbl>, gc_tax_totl_gd_zs <dbl>, #> # ic_reg_durs <dbl>, iq_sci_ovrl <dbl>, it_cel_sets_p2 <dbl>, #> # ms_mil_xpnd_gd_zs <dbl>, ne_exp_gnfs_zs <dbl>, ne_gdi_totl_zs <dbl>, #> # ne_imp_gnfs_zs <dbl>, nv_agr_totl_zs <dbl>, nv_ind_totl_zs <dbl>, #> # ny_gdp_defl_kd_zg <dbl>, ny_gdp_mktp_cd <dbl>, ny_gdp_mktp_kd_zg <dbl>, #> # ny_gnp_atls_cd <dbl>, ny_gnp_mktp_pp_cd <dbl>, ny_gnp_pcap_cd <dbl>, #> # ny_gnp_pcap_pp_cd <dbl>, se_enr_prsc_fm_zs <dbl>, se_prm_cmpt_zs <dbl>, #> # se_prm_enrr <dbl>, se_sec_enrr <dbl>, sh_dyn_aids_zs <dbl>, #> # sh_dyn_mort <dbl>, sh_imm_meas <dbl>, sh_sta_brtc_zs <dbl>, #> # sh_sta_maln_zs <dbl>, si_dst_frst_20 <dbl>, si_pov_dday <dbl>, #> # si_pov_nahc <dbl>, sm_pop_netm <dbl>, sp_ado_tfrt <dbl>, #> # sp_dyn_conu_zs <dbl>, sp_dyn_le00_in <dbl>, sp_dyn_tfrt_in <dbl>, #> # sp_pop_grow <dbl>, sp_pop_totl <dbl>, sp_urb_grow <dbl>, #> # tg_val_totl_gd_zs <dbl>, tt_pri_mrch_xd_wd <dbl>, tx_val_tech_mf_zs <dbl>